XLS-Medical Appetite Reducer


Inhalant Decongestant – Relief from catarrh, colds and blocked sinuses


It’s hard to lose weight when you’re hungry. XLS-Medical Appetite Reducer helps control your hunger, acting to manage appetite, particularly when you are on a very low calorie diet such as using meal replacement diets.

Let XLS-Medical Appetite Reducer give you a helping hand, just take two capsules with a full glass of water 30 minutes before your meal replacement bar or shake or your daily meal. XLS-Medical Appetite Reducer is an effective tool for the treatment and prevention of excess weight, and general weight management, when taken in combination with a balanced diet and regular physical activity. 94 per cent of people experienced a feeling of fullness when using XLS-Medical Appetite Reducer.1 It can also be used to help control snacking by taking a capsule in-between meals with a full glass of water. Do not exceed nine capsules per day. This product is not a meal replacement.